How do I get my *.A78 files working on my CC2?

*.A78 roms will not work with the CC2. All ROMS must be in the *.BIN
Simply renaming your *.A78 files to *.BIN will not work

Are there any third party menu programs for the CC2?

Yes you can use a Java version Menu generator found here

Does anyone have any premade menus for download?

Yes. Here is one that has menus for the 2600 that are alpahbetized and a separate 7800 menu.

Where can I find an MMC card?

You should be able to find these in your local electronic stores (such as Best Buy) as they're still pretty common.
They're also still for sale quite a few places online. One thing you should note is Chad used the SanDisk standard for MMC when he designed this stuff so it would be best to get a 32 mb SanDisk card and a SanDisk cardreader for the fewwest possibilities of problems.

Where can I get an MMC card reader? Your local electronics store will also carry these. If you have more than one memory card format you might want to invest in a card reader that will read multiple types of cards. These can be difficult to find in local stores. Places like and